Thursday, March 22, 2007

Carol Ann's Story

Hello ladies!

I have wanted to get some other people to share their stories here at "Good Things." We'll begin with my friend's testimony of meeting her spouse. Here's what God did in Carol Ann's life:

I had just served two years overseas on the mission field and returned home to attend seminary. I felt strongly that the Lord wanted me to study and be prepared before I did any more long term missions work overseas. During this time I was asking the Lord whether or not He wanted me to marry. I was single and desired a husband and family but I was not dating anyone and had no prospects. As I prayed through this, the Lord brought a peace and showed me that I needed to focus on Him and allow Him to work in my life to clean out some areas and refine me and that my focus should not be on searching out the perfect guy but in becoming the woman of God I needed to be.

Not too long after this surrender, the Lord allowed me to casually meet Tommy Kiker at a praise and worship service on the seminary campus in the Spring of 2002. Neither of us thought much about this meeting and we went our separate ways. We would see each other on campus but it was nothing more. The summer of 2002, Tommy was taking summer classes and had begun the PhD program. I had returned home and had come back to campus for a couple of days that summer when we met each other in the parking lot and had a great conversation about what the Lord had called us to do. I left the conversation thinking "He's such a great guy, too bad his heart is for the local church and not overseas" and I went home. For Tommy, it put a spark in his heart and he began to pray about pursuing me. By the time school started back in August, Tommy knew he was to pursue getting to know me. We began to talk more on campus and he asked me out on our first date at the end of August.

By September of that year Tommy had fasted and prayed and knew he was to marry me. I, on the other hand, was not so sure about it. I knew there was something special about him and I was drawn to him and had never been pursued by a man like he pursued me but I needed the Lord to confirm this relationship in my life. By December, after praying and asking the Lord to speak to me about this relationship, I was reading the Word of God and the Lord used a passage of Scripture to show me that Tommy was the one I was to marry. By January we were engaged and on July 12, 2003 we were married in a worshipful celebration.

The Lord used so many small things to show me that Tommy was the right person for me. The Lord used and is still using this relationship to refine me and mold me more into the image of Christ. The confirmations came from years of praying and asking the Lord to bring the right spiritual leader into my life, one that I could trust with the deepest parts of my heart. I had many lists in my head of what I desired my husband to be like and Tommy far exceeded them! My family and close friends were supportive of our relationship and most of all the Lord used His word and the Holy Spirit to confirm in my heart that this man was the one whom I could serve alongside and be his helpmate. When Tommy and I married I was 26 years old and he was 30. We were both virgins and the Lord used this and is still using this to bring glory to Himself! To Him be the GLORY!


Blogger Pastor Tommy said...

I for one LOVE this story!!!

5:25 PM  

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